New Pi-Connect Lite released!

We are excited to announce the release of Version 2 of the Pi-Connect Lite board! This board represents a major re-design, based on customer feedback and supporting additional use-cases when interfacing a Raspberry Pi to an Ardupilot (or PX4) based flight controller.

Pi-Connect Lite board

There are three major changes to this board:

  1. The power connector is an XT30, which are cheap and commonly available.
  2. There are 2x JST-GH telemetry ports for then dual telemetry is needed. Note, this is only supported on the Pi4 and Pi5.
  3. The power switch has been replaced with a power button. Use a short-push to turn the Pi on or off, and a long-push to immediately cut power.

The more under-the-hood changes include a complete re-design of the power supply, allowing for lower EMI.

The dual telemetry ports, in particular, enable more advanced use cases. By having MAVLink telemetry on one port for command and control of the vehicle, the 2nd port can be used for gimbal control, ROS2 DDS or any other custom UART-based sensor.

Pi-Connect Lite example usage with Raspberry Pi and Cube Orange

The Pi-Connect Lite V2 is available now from our store!

Rpanion-Server 0.10 Released

Rpanion-Server 0.10.0 has been released. This is primarily a bugfix update, with some important camera streaming updates.

Rpanion-Server is an Open-Source software package for easily managing your companion computer (such as a Raspberry Pi or NVIDIA Jetson) on a ArduPilot-powered vehicle. It provides such functions as MAVLink telemetry distribution, video streaming and network management, NTRIP streaming and flight log management.

This release includes the following major changes:

  • Migrate to libcamera API on the Raspberry Pi
  • Added support for the 2nd CSI port on Raspberry Pi
  • Hardware x264 encoding for USB cameras
  • Reduced x264 latency
  • Support for CSI camera streaming on the NVIDIA Jetson
  • Option to send datastream requests to flight controller
  • More consistent user interface
  • Enhanced Wireguard status reporting

Comprehensive documentation and pre-built disk images for the Raspberry Pi are available here.

If you’re curious about the inner workings of Rpanion-Server, the source code can be found on GitHub. We welcome bug reports and Pull Requests!

ArduRover Autonomous Navigation using Semantic Segmentation

As an experiment in autonomous navigation with Ardupilot, I built a rover capable of autonomous path following.

It uses the ML/AI technique of semantic segmentation to determine where the desired path is, on a live video feed. Using this on a Jetson Nano, a relative bearing is generated to stay on the path. This bearing is sent to Ardupilot, which (in GUIDED mode) turns the rover to that bearing.

It’s a good example of using Companion Computer to do the vision processing and high-level planning, leaving Ardupilot with the lower level vehicle control

Hardware used

  • Bogie Runt Rover chassis
  • Roverbase power and motor controller board
  • Jetson Nano with Pi Camera V2
  • mRO X2.1-777 flight controller (any controller will generally work)
  • Ublox M8N GPS

The flight controller and Jetson were connected via UART, for MAVLink telemetry.

The layout is shown below:

Note: A stereo camera was not fitted, but not used.

Software layout

All processing was done in realtime on the Jetson, which would sent out MAVLink messages (with desired speed and heading) to ArduPilot.

When ArduPilot was in GUIDED mode, it would move the rover as per the MAVLink messages.

The Rpanion-server software was used to manage telemetry streams, with the custom “segmav” software to process the video stream and output a desired heading and speed. Note the speed was hard-set at 0.5 m/s.

Segmav software


The segmav software is designed to use Semantic Segmentation to determine the correct heading for a rover to stay on a road or path.

Segmav uses the following steps during processing:

  1. Semantic segmentation is first used to separate the captured image into category areas: “Sky, Grass, Road, …”.
  2. The largest area (contour) with a “road” category (purple) is then found (red polygon).
  3. This contour is then split into two – halfway in the horizontal plane (blue boxes).
  4. The centroid of each half is calculated (white points).
  5. A line is drawn between the two points and the angle calculated (white line).
  6. The angle is put through a 3 point moving average to smooth out any large changes.
  7. This angle (yaw) is encoded into a MAVLink message SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED, in Body (relative) frame and the forward velocity and yaw components. The velocity component is hard-set to 0.5m/s.

The segmav source code is available from GitHub.


I could get 7fps using the fcn-resnet18-cityscapes-1024x512 dataset, with less than 300ms latency. This gave a low enough latency at speeds of 0.5m/s. For higher vehicle speeds, a faster Jetson (or smaller dataset) would be required.

A video demonstration is available below:


The accuracy was not great. The rover would occasionally dive off the path, due to an incorrect segmentation. A better tuned or larger dataset would likely reduce this from occurring.

The Runt Rover frame itself wasn’t good over grassy terrain. It would frequently get bogged when running over long grass.


This project is a good proof-of-concept for using semantic segmentation based navigation for following paths or tracks. Better datasets and a more powerful Jetson could

Rpanion-Server 0.9 Released

Version 0.9.0 of Rpanion-server has been released!

Rpanion-Server is an Open-Source software package for a managing the companion computer (such as the Raspberry Pi) connected to an ArduPilot-based flight controller.

Rpanion-Server consists of a node.js-based webserver for the user interface and mavlink-router for routing MAVLink telemetry from a connected flight controller. There are also modules for managing network connections, NTRIP streaming, flight log management, video streaming and viewing hardware information.

Version 0.9.0 adds the following major new features:

  • Automated uploading of flight logs
  • VPN support (Zerotier and Wireguard)
  • Automated generation of KMZ files from flight logs
  • Timestamp overlay for video streams
  • Various bugfixes and ease-of-use changes to the GUI

The documentation and pre-built disk images for the Raspberry Pi are available here.

The source code can be found here, at GitHub.

Bug reports and Pull Requests are most welcome.

Configuring Telemetry Rates in Ardupilot

This post is an explainer on the telemetry datarates in ArduPilot, plus information and data on how to configure the datarate to fit in lower-bandwidth radio systems.

Typical Datarates

Telemetry radios used in Ardupilot

All datarates in this article are averages and are rounded to 1 decimal place. Does not include actions such as downloading parameters or waypoints. All datarates are in the Vehicle → GCS direction.

ArduPilot telemetry is a series of MAVLink messages output from a UART (or serial) port on the flight controller.

The MAVLink messages may be a streamed message (message is emitted at some regular rate), such as the vehicle’s GPS position or hardware status. Other messages are emitted in response to a command or query from the ground station, such as downloading parameters or a confirmation of a flight mode change.

The following table shows the average datarate of the default streamed messages from the different ArduPilot firmwares at the default rate of 4Hz. Note the datarate whilst the vehicle is armed is slightly higher, as additional streamed messages (such as NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT) are active. The datarate will vary depending on the vehicle hardware and configuration, as additional sensors (such as a 2nd GPS) will increase the datarate.

FirmwareDatarate when disarmedDatarate when armed
Plane3.5 kbytes/sec4 kbytes/sec
Copter3.5 kbytes/sec3.7 kbytes/sec
Rover3.4 kbytes/sec3.9 kbytes/sec

On a typical 57600 baud RF telemetry radio, this equates to 59%-69% of the available radio datarate being used.

Lowering the Datarate

If you are using a lower baud RF link, then ArduPilot’s streaming datarates may need to be trimmed down. There are several methods to do this.

The easiest method is to lower the rate of the streams. By default, a GCS will ask ArduPilot to stream at 4 Hz. This can be changed in Mission Planner in Config→Planner→Telemetry Rates or in MAVProxy via the --streamrate=n commandline option.

So, lowering the streamrates down to 1Hz gives the following average datarates:

FirmwareDatarate when disarmedDatarate when armed
Plane0.9 kbytes/sec1.0 kbytes/sec
Copter0.9 kbytes/sec0.9 kbytes/sec
Rover0.9 kbytes/sec1.0 kbytes/sec

Taking this further, streams can be disabled. For example, you may not want raw sensor readings or RC channel values. In that case, set the “Sensor” and “RC” streams to “0” in Mission Planner. At this time, MAVProxy does not support setting individual streamrates.

If preferred, these streamrates can be set on ArduPilot instead of the GCS 3.

The average datarates are now:

FirmwareDatarate when disarmedDatarate when armed
Plane0.7 kbytes/sec0.8 kbytes/sec
Copter0.6 kbytes/sec0.7 kbytes/sec
Rover0.6 kbytes/sec0.8 kbytes/sec

Individual Message Control

If finer grained control of which MAVLink messages are streamed is desired, the individual messages and rates can be controlled. There are a few methods for doing this.

For this example, a file containing the message ID’s and rate (in milliseconds) is placed in the SD card’s root directory:


33 200
1 1000
74 2000

The above file tells ArduPilot that chan0 should stream

Rpanion-server 0.8 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Version 0.8.0 of Rpanion-server!

Rpanion-Server is an Open-Source software package for a managing the companion computer (such as the Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson) connected to an ArduPilot or PX4-based flight controller. It will run on most Linux-based systems.

Rpanion-Server consists of a node.js webserver for the user interface and mavlink-router for routing MAVLink telemetry from the connected flight controller. GStreamer handles low latency video streaming from any connected cameras. There are also modules for managing network connections, NTRIP streaming and viewing hardware information.

Version 0.8.0 adds the following major new features:

  • Add UDP video streaming
  • Support for Ubuntu on the Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson
  • Add fps option for video streaming
  • Ad-hoc wifi support
  • Wifi channel selection in AP mode
  • TCP server for MAVLink telemetry
  • NTRIP streaming support
  • UI more consistent

The documentation and pre-built disk images for the Raspberry Pi are available at

The source code can be found in GitHub, at

New Product – RoverBase

We are proud to announce the release of the Roverbase board!

The RoverBase integrates the following into a single board:

  • 18650 battery power supply in a 2S2P layout (4 batteries required)
  • 2x 5V, 3A power supplies.
  • Voltage and current monitoring
  • 2x 7.4V, 1.7A brushed DC motor controllers
  • Power switches for major subsystems
  • Battery charging port

These features make the RoverBase ideal for small skid-steer ground rovers, such as the Pololu Romi or Bogie Runt Rover.

Head on over to the webstore to purchase one!

AprilMAV – Using a Raspberry Pi for Indoor Robot Navigation

There are now many options available for indoor navigation, from devices such as the Intel T265 to UWB or Lidar systems. The objective of this project is to create a (relatively) cheap and accessible indoor navigation system via Apriltags.

Apriltags are well-used in the robotics community and are able to have their pose (position and orientation) relative to the camera calculated.

Aprilmav uses ceiling-mounted Apriltags as navigation markers. A Raspberry Pi will capture and process the images of the Apriltags, then calculate the camera (and thus the attached vehicle) location and orientation relative to the Apriltags.

The positions of the Apriltags do not need to be known in advance. The vehicle will begin at the (0,0,0) location and (0,0,0) orientation. Each detected Apriltag will be given a position and orientation relative to this when first detected. Each subsequent detection of the Apriltag will use the delta position/orientation to determine the vehicle’s movement.


I used the following components:

The Romi has wheel encoders, which were also connected to ArduPilot for additional velocity measurements.

The ArduCam OV9281 was chosen because it’s a cheap global shutter camera. It’s very important that a global shutter camera is used, in order to reduce image distortions.

The Raspberry Pi Camera was trialled, but gave very poor results due to motion blur.

In terms of the flight controller, any ArduPilot flight controller would work, as long as it has 2Mb of flash. Since I was using brushed DC motors and wheel encoders, I needed 8 PWM outputs (4 for the motors, 4 for the wheel encoders), so the Pixhawk worked well.

Any single-board computer will work, but it should be powerful enough to run the Apritag detection at 5fps. I found that the Raspberry Pi 4B could do this, but not the earlier Pi models.


The Raspberry Pi ran the Aprilmav scripts for detection and processing, plus Rpanion-server for telemetry routing.

Aprilmav captured images from the camera, detected any Apriltags and then calculated the Vehicle’s position/orientation based on the position and orientation of the tags.

Aprilmav then sent the HEARTBEAT, SET_GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN, VISION_POSITION_DELTA and VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE messages to ArduPilot. These in turn were consumed by ArduPilot’s EKF3 to generate a final position/orientation of the vehicle.

The full Aprilmav source code is at


Given the low-cost hardware involved, accuracy was only 10 cm. This was enough for most indoor navigation tasks.

It should be noted the Apriltags do not have to be placed on the ceiling. They can be placed anywhere, but the best accuracy was obtained when the tags were on the ceiling, as the vehicle was always 90 degrees to the tags (Apriltag pose accuracy goes down it the slant angle is <90 degrees).

Additionally, a well lit environment is required, so the camera can clearly see the features of the Apriltags.

In terms of frame rate performance, >5fps is

Rpanion-server 0.7 Released

We are happy to announce the release of Version 0.7.0 of Rpanion-server!

Rpanion-Server is an Open-Source software package for a managing the companion computer (such as the Raspberry Pi) connected to an ArduPilot or PX4-based flight controller. It will run on most Linux-based systems.

Rpanion-Server consists of a node.js webserver for the user interface and mavlink-router for routing MAVLink telemetry from the connected flight controller. GStreamer handles low latency video streaming from any connected cameras. There are also modules for managing network connections and viewing hardware information.

The web-based user interface provides access to view and manage all features. This makes it easy to manage common functions such as network connections, flight logging, telemetry streaming and configuring video streams.

Version 0.7.0 adds the following major new features:

  • Support MJPEG cameras for video streaming
  • Added button to disable all Wi-Fi adapters
  • GUI overhaul, using the Bootstrap framework

The documentation and pre-built disk images for the Raspberry Pi are available at

The source code can be found in GitHub, at